- All photos and elements
- Studio shot
- Recomposed by community
- Elements of photos

Coffee break

Browsing internet

Browsing internet

A female office worker making notes at the table

All things arranged in perfect order

A female office worker making notes at the table

Coffee break

All things arranged in perfect order

Browsing internet

Designer's workplace would be like

In the middle of creative process

Browsing internet

Browsing internet

And how do you like this idea there?

Deciding what ideas are good and what not

Browsing internet

Browsing internet

All things arranged in perfect order

Amendments have to do with this part of construction

Architects teamwork in action

And how do you like this idea there?

And how do you like this idea there?

I'm looking forward to getting started

And how do you like this idea there?

Browsing internet

Benefits of working from home

It totally got my attention

All gadgets arranged in perfect order

Female engineer giving instructions to male foreman

Browsing internet

Do i need to talk about it with senior?

Deciding what ideas are good and what not

Are you sure it will work out?

Architect work requires great imagination

Architect work requires great imagination

And how do you like this idea there?

Creating new project here

Engineer colleagues having disagreement

And how do you like this idea there?

A female architect working on architectural drawings

Browsing internet

A female architect passing an architectural drawing

Coffee stimulates ideas' creation process

Female and male engineer colleagues discussing some work stuff

Come on, you're not talking seriously

A female architect working on architectural drawings

Engineer colleagues having disagreement

Doing progress in architecture is hard work to do

A female architect working on architectural drawings

Designing process isn't easy at all

Hey, what's happening there?

Great working duo

Amendments have to do with this part of construction

Female and male engineer colleagues discussing some work stuff

Gosh, i can't think about anything right now, especially about this article

A lot of architecture ideas on my mind

If only my boss knew how much i'm not into it

A female office worker making notes at the table

Browsing internet

I hope you appreciate this