Life just could push it to the limit

A female security guard sitting at her desk

Gasping male hot zone reporter holding camera

Amazed male hot zone reporter using radio phone

Always on the phone, always in touch to get to know the news

A female security guard drinking a coffee

How could've you not listened to my orders?

Checking on these latest news to know

A cheerful female security guard speaking by phone

Male hot zone journalist holding camera and gasping

Giving work commands on the building spot

Life just could push it to the limit

Male hot zone journalist holding camera and knocking on the helmet

Seems like there's the problem coming

Doing my best at getting the info

Male journalist screaming and going to throw a grenade

Controlling process on the building spot

Male hot zone journalist holding camera and knocking on the helmet

Controlling building process

A female security guard holding a passport

Male hot zone journalist holding a video camera

Seems like there's the problem coming

A female security guard checking a passport

Male hot zone reporter in bulletproof vest yelling in radio phone

A female security guard looking sideways attentively

Male hot zone reporter holding radio phone and touching helmet

A female security guard checking a passport

Dangerous work but always doing it with a smile

Don't want any problem to be started, i'm just doing my work

Dangerous work but always doing it with a smile

Being a foreman is tough

Controlling construction building process

Guessing if there's gonna be a shot

Dangerous work but always doing it with a smile

It can take ages before you finally get a perfect picture

Frightened male hot zone journalist in bulletproof vest covering his head with hands

Don't want any problem to be started, i'm just doing my work

Male hot zone reporter using camera

Male hot zone journalist in bulletproof vest hunting for a shot

Controlling the delivery process

Figuring out how to use this thing right

Hearing some news from the side could be tough

Anticipation of perfect shot angle is just precious

Seems like there's the problem coming

A quick moment of rest

Long waiting for this perfect shot to be done

Male journalist screaming and going to throw a grenade

Crushing the wall to get the best possible result

A young female security guard checking documents

It's ok, stop there and go another way

Male hot zone journalist in bulletproof best waiting for a shot

Yeah, i'm not good with technical equipment at all

Anticipation of perfect shot angle is just precious

Guess, it's right the time to start building process

Focused on wall drilling

Having some problems on the line and can't reach to the colleague

Breaking the surface isn't easy work to do

Controlling the building process

Just refreshing myself and then back to work

A bored female security guard leaning on her hand