Animal abuse and cruelty

Let's get this cutie one a treat

Checking if this lovely one is totally ok

Attractive veterinarian wrinkling her nose

Attractive veterenarian ready to make an injection to a red spitz

Exams showed that cat is healthy and completely ok

How are you feeling there, mr cat?

Attractive veterenarian ready to examine a spitz

It's time to get mr cat back to shape

Trying to guess what's problem might be here

Attractive veterenarian ready to make an injection to a red spitz

Attractive veterenarian examining a spitz

Attractive veterenarian ready to examine a spitz

Attractive veterenarian ready to examine a spitz

Hope this little guy is feeling better right now

Doing with love the work i like

It's gonna be just a simple injection

Animal abuse and cruelty

How are you feeling there, mr cat?

Attractive veterenarian examining a spitz

Well, are you ready to be cured?

Attractive veterenarian examining a spitz

Attractive veterenarian ready to make an injection to a red spitz

Attractive veterenarian ready to examine a spitz

Well, are you ready to be cured?

Checking if this lovely one is totally ok

Attractive veterenarian examining a spitz

Attractive veterenarian examining a spitz

Attractive veterenarian making injection to a red spitz

Attractive veterenarian ready to examine a spitz

I hope she will not cut my tail off

Attractive veterenarian ready to examine a spitz

Attractive veterenarian ready to make an injection to a red spitz

As sick as a dog

Attractive veterenarian brushing a red spitz

Attractive veterenarian ready to examine a spitz

Look at this healthy and happy mr cat

Attractive veterenarian examining a spitz

Kid girl looking at attractive vet doctor examining her pet spitz

Attractive veterenarian examining a spitz

Trying to figure out what's bothering mr cat

Attractive veterenarian and a red spitz

Mr cat is out of humour today

Don't worry cat, it wouldn't hurt at all

It's time to get mr cat back to shape

Checking if this lovely one is totally ok

Attractive veterenarian examining a spitz

As sick as a dog

He's grown up so fast

Attractive veterenarian and a red spitz

Attractive veterenarian examining a spitz

You call that a little trim?

A young boy dressed as a doctor examining a dog

Dog whistle training

Front view of a tired young female doctor with stethoscope looking at camera

Smiling male doctor holding a thermometer

Smiling male doctor holding a thermometer

Children playing doctor

Mature doctor at work

Check up from a kid doctor