Can't believe that this happened
No, i don't wanna do that
Got a little bit sick of these stuff
Side view of a frowning man showing thumbs down
Active arguing about work
Colleagues discussing some work stuff
Can't believe you didn't do as i asked you
Immersed in the depth of thoughts
Pretty young girl with unpleased face holding hands up open aside
I don't like her, that's it
Let it be then, we've got nothing to lose
No, i don't wanna do that
Can't believe that this happened
A fat man in sportswear holding a bottle of soft drink and patting his lips dry with a towel
Let it be then, we've got nothing to lose
I'n not in the mood, man
Bride is going to punch groom with the wedding bouquet
Lately i'm not happy with anything
And you decided to tell me this just now?
I don't know what she's talking about, so, sorry
Boy, you better don't mess with me, you know
A fat man in sportswear drinking beer from the bottle
Nothing to do, just let it go
Heading to school
Young girl in sportswear standing with open mouth
Don't be a grumpy, come here
Dad, am i as pretty as mum?
Side view of a frowning employee showing thumbs down
How could've you been so irresponsible?!
And no more flair for the dramatics, you got me?
Seems like there were too many classes for one day
And what should we do now, huh?
And why i have to go to school on monday morning?
Boss is unsatisfied with employee's work and telling her off
Boss is unsatisfied with employee's work and telling her off
It's not good at all
Because of you this stuff got worse
And why i have to go to school on monday morning?
And why did you stick your nose into this?
Expressing dissatisfaction with morning classes
It's a total fail
Grey cat
Side view of a funny young man touching his nose
Three-quarter back view of a thoughtful young man touching his nose
Already prediciting new year´s treats
Side view of a smiling young female in casual clothing looking aside
A gray cat with a long white beardAI
Little stinker
Front view of a young man in red pullover standing still
My head gonna blow....i need some painkillers...