Are you stress-resistant?

Collective '1 day till deadline' madness

Frustrated young employee and her strict boss

Looking stressed out

Gosh, how to cope with work overload?

Collective '1 day till deadline' madness

I need nothing short of a miracle to save me at this point

And we should take into consideration every single detail...

I need to get an idea!

Please, this e-mail should've come already

Different ways to say i didn’t understand

Different approaches to problem solving

Do we even posses what we're offering?

Another failure, and it's only 9 am

Frustrated young employee and her strict boss

Considering every single detail

Did you even check it before sending to the client?

Collective '1 day till deadline' madness

Dealing with difficult customers

Do you even imagine amount of work we have to do?

Considering every single detail

Analyzing future goals

Analysing information

Considering every single detail

And we should take into consideration every single detail...

Pondering over new project