Taking time to admire yourself is also an important part of self care

Tender touches and soft feelings

Young black short haired woman in a dressing gown, holding half of an avocado

Black woman with a short haircut, wearing all blue, standing against a plain pastel background, looking emotional

I'm listening carefully, keep going~

A young woman is covering her girlfriend's mouth

Sisters joking and giggling

Young man leaning over his girlfriend and kissing her nose

Side portrait of anxious woman quarreling with her boyfriend

Couple in medical masks

Pink-haired girl putting black hat on her boyfriend

Close-up of a couple lying down with eyes closed

Young woman doesn't want her boyfriend to come closer

Close-up a man sticking a plaster on his girlfriend's nose


A young woman wiping face

Young woman pinching her boyfriend's nose

Sisters ready to fight

Close-up a young male kissing his girlfriend's forehead

Young man sticks a yellow plaster on his girlfriend's nose

Two beautiful women in bikinis standing on a beachAI

Beautiful young woman

A woman covering man's eyes with her hands