Man in balaclava holding a gun

Man in balaclava holding a gun

Be scared of me everyone, i'm coming

Man in balaclava aiming with a gun

Completely unrecognizable with my scarf

Male model in hoodie sits under blue light

Be scared of me everyone, i'm coming

Preparing good before committing a crime

Criminal standing with his hood on

Criminal pointing up with a knife

Trying my best at hiding my identity

Criminal putting on his shirt's hood

Criminal with hood on holding a knife

I've been trying my best at covering my identity

Well, let's start this thing we've been planning for a while

A bribe? i prefer the 'financial aid to an official in need' term

Well, let's start this thing we've been planning for a while

Hacker in balaclava sitting at the table with money bills on it and playing with a gun