Today you look much better!

Come in, please, don't be afraid

What? you forget to take your pills?

A small bandage will fix the situation

I don't like that strange sound

Happy to know that you got well

A small bandage will fix the situation

It's the first case in my practice!

I'm here to help you!

How much alcohol do you drink, if any?

Happy to know that you got well

Good health is the best wealth

A small bandage will fix the situation

What brings you in today?

What are your symptoms?

What your diet is like?

I warn you that smoking is bad for you

What seems to be the trouble?

A small bandage will fix the situation

A small bandage will fix the situation

Today you look much better!

Don't be late for your next appointment

Do you take any medicines?

Don't worry, nothing serious

How are you feeling these days?

Mature doctor at work

Mature doctor at work

What brings you in today?

Accurate and attentive at work

It looks much better than the previous month

Doctor's work requires serious feeling and a lot of efforts

Doctor's interested how her patient's feeling

Did you follow your health prescriptions?

Let's see how your health is going on

Concentrated on patient's examination

Concentrated on patient's examination

Hopefully there's no complaints

After intense work day it's hard to handle emotions

Explaining all the diagnosis problems on fruits

Let's take care of this nasty flu

What? you forget to take your pills?

Checking messages after a long day

Doctors get tired of their routine too

It's the first case in my practice!

Mature doctor at work

Are you sure that you don't smoke?

And it's the part where we found a small issue

Let's take care of this nasty flu

Healthy body and mind start from nutrition process

Well, i'm ready to cure diseases and solve all the problems

Asking for inner strength

Doctor's handwritten prescription

Mature doctor at work

Doctors need a moment to stop and rest too

Consulting with a colleague

Let's check your lungs

Choose the appropriate product for me

Effective patient-physician communication

Happy to hear there's no complaints

It looks much better than the previous month