- All photos and elements
- Studio shot
- Elements of photos

He couldn't anymore

Enough studying for today

Having a snooze during studying session

All you need is sleep

Dreams about holidays

Studying is a hard work

In my time children didn't study so much

Early to bed and early to rise? that's not my cup of tea

Don't tell me it's morning already

Don't tell me it's morning already

All you need is sleep

Don't tell me it's morning already

Just 10 minutes more

Don't tell me it's morning already

Give us some coffee, please...

Don't tell me it's morning already

Don't tell me it's morning already

Don't tell me it's morning already

Don't tell me it's morning already

All you need is sleep

Don't tell me it's morning already

Early to bed and early to rise? that's not my cup of tea

Give us some coffee, please...

Just 10 minutes more


Young female wearing glasses and cuddling with her little poodle and looking at camera
