Beauty requires sacrifice

Afro american woman receiving hyaluronic acid injection

Close-up of a young man shaving partner's face

Beautiful young woman

Young woman with bandaged head and hands touching her face

Young woman having her face injected with botox

A young woman wiping face

Young woman with bandaged head and hands framing her face

Side view of person with duct tape on mouth and eyes closed

Three-quarter view of person with duct tape on mouth and eyes closed

A woman standing next to a couple of mannequins in face masks

A woman with a magnifying glass over her lips

Young woman with bandaged head and hands next to her face

A woman with surgical markings on her face

Female patient with hands putting plaster on her nose

Enjoying some beauty procedures

Pretty female looking at red hand mirror

Person with duct tape on mouth and eyes closed

Close-up of a man shaving his boyfriend's face

Close-up of young man shaving another man's face

Female patient with hands next to her face

Female patient with gloved hands framing her face

Young woman annoyed at hands pulling her skin

Female patient with hands putting plaster on her nose

Female patient with gloved hands framing her face

Young woman having her face injected with botox

Female patient with hands holding her face

Young woman with head bandage surrounded by hands

Young caucasian man carefully shaving his partner and touching his cheek

Female patient with gloved hands framing her face

Doctor is operating on child

Doctor checking young woman's nose after rhinoplasty

A woman is getting her face retouched by a doctorAI

Woman looking tense during lip injection

Female patient with hand putting a band aid on her nose

Young woman with head bandage surrounded by hands

Side view of a smiling young woman applying lipstick while holding a mirror

Young woman with bandaged head and gloved hand under her face

Young woman feeling uncomfortable and hands stretching her skin

Virtual reality glasses on a mannequin head

Doctor taping woman's nose after rhinoplasty

Female doctor examining patient's mouth

Woman looking terrified during filler injection

Portrait of a young attractive woman with different shades of foundation on her skin

Women wearing vr devices with statue in the background

Young woman in surgical cap and hands tilting her head

Close-up of a young woman aggressively massaging her face

A woman wearing a surgical mask in a hospitalAI

A young couple wearing face masks

Side view of a woman getting botox injection

A little bit lost in thought while applying makeup

Woman with a cosmetic mask on her face looking at transparent mirror

Front view of a young man posing in facial mask

After these moments of highest importance

Young woman with face markings getting filler injection

Doctor's hand removing tape from woman's nose after rhinoplasty

Young woman about to get botox injection

Woman feeling pain during botox injection