Attractive young woman holding a mop

Attractive young woman holding a mop pad

Attractive young woman holding a mop

Excited househusband holding mop like a guitar

'cause cleaning time means rocking it really cool

Attractive young woman holding a mop

'cause cleaning doesn't have to be boring at all

Distracting on messaging and stuff

Taking advices from wife about work stuff

Involved in phone conversation while having chores to do

Gone were the days when mopping was my least favorite chores

Young househusband holding mop and in another hand phone close to his mouth

Attractive young woman holding a mop

Distracting on messaging and stuff

Attractive young woman gently stroking a mop pad

Like keeping house in order

Really focused on cleaning

Focusing on cleaning that glass surface

'cause cleaning time means rocking it really cool

Young househusband holding mop and looking at phone

Having the most serious intentions about cleaning

Attractive young woman holding a mop

Facing all these cleaning issues like a pro

Having the most serious intentions about cleaning

Young househusband holding mop and talking on the phone

Attractive young woman holding a mop

Attractive young woman with a mop showing thumbs up

Accepting huge cleaning like a game

Trying my best at getting this surface to perfection

Guessing how to do cleaning in a really smart way

Really focused on cleaning

Looks like it's time to finish with cleaning

Trying my best at getting this surface to perfection

Feeling tired already of all this cleanig routine

Attractive young woman gently stroking a mop pad

Accepting huge cleaning like a game

Still have a lot of house work to do

Focusing on cleaning that glass surface

Managed to get a really great result

Turning cleaning into great time spending

Dealing with house chores and work at the same time

Feeling tired already of all this cleanig routine

Should i check on cleaning this thing one more time?

Dealing with house chores and work at the same time

And it's still so much work to be done

When it comes to house work, i'm a total geek

Like keeping house in order

'cause i'm a real pro in spots' cleanning ground

And it's still so much work to be done

Turning cleaning into great time spending

Attractive young woman pleased with her mop

So thrilled about big cleaning day

I want you to start cleaning too!

Enthusiastic as never about this cleaning time

Thumbs up for a great result

Don't remember where was i cleaning exactly

Enthusiastic as never about this cleaning time

If you look from the distance this glass wiper looks like it's disappointed in you, which is also true

Young handsome guy ironing shirt and looking worried

No hopes i'm gonna be there on time