Marriage proposal

She asked, and i said "yes"

Marriage proposal

Back view of a young couple on their engagement day

Back view of a young couple on their engagement day

The greatest surprise in my life

Marriage proposal

One of those moments that you remember all your life

Will she say "yes"...?

Popping the big question

Popping the big question

Popping the big question

Back view of a young couple on their engagement day

They both know the answer

Will you be my wife?

Marriage proposal

You are my happy place

Marriage proposal

You are my happy place

Not in the mood today

Absorbed in passion

I feel you're looking at me

Absorbed in passion

Hold me close

Hold me close

Who knew that an office affair can go so far

Guess who's that!

The world in her eyes

My dream ring

The journey begins here

Back view of a young couple on their engagement day

Good looking young man with tattoed arm

Giving her a flower

First date is always such a tender moment

She's such a weirdo but i love it

Sometimes it's not easy to calm her down

No words are needed

Time for a surprise

Crossed arms are a defensive mechanism

Capturing a wonderful moment

You are my happy place

Changing roles

Difficult to think about work when she's here

You are my happy place

Dreaming about future life together

What are you going to do on weekend?

She's such a weirdo but i love it

Moving to new accomplishments together

So finally it happened!

I can always rely on him

Changing roles

Handsome young man

The world in her eyes

Young beautiful couple smiling happily


Cropped shot of a young beautiful couple

But i couldn't resist

Capture a moment

Cute little girl making a selfie

Classics never get old