404 error screen on display

Doing progress in architecture is hard work to do

As a rule designers nights look like this

Designer's workplace would be like

Considering building decisions

Architect work got me seriously

Deciding what ideas are good and what not

Deciding what ideas are good and what not

Creating new project here

Architect work requires great imagination

A lot of architecture ideas on my mind

Architect work requires great imagination

Architect work got me seriously

Drawing new samples

Creating new project here

Creating new project here

It was third hour of idea creating

Architect work got me seriously

Desk with closed laptop, pile of magazines, photocamera and cup of tea

Architects teamwork in action

It was third hour of idea creating

Architect work requires attention and creative ideas

Coffee stimulates ideas' creation process

And how do you like that idea?

Any ideas on how we can improve this?

Architect work got me seriously

Preoccupied young overweight office worker sitting at the office desk

Female and male architects discussing the scale model of a house

Boss evaluating worker's efforts

Advising and making professional decisions

Designing process isn't easy at all

Gosh, i can't believe he did it

Female worker standing at the table and male colleague checking out her butt

I'm looking forward to getting started

Female and male architects sitting at the table and holding tablet

Architecture masterpieces get created this way

And how do you like that idea?

Architects holding tablet

But i don't wanna try any other costume

Female and male architects discussing the scale model of a house

Creating new architecture with the colleague

A little bit on cool mood while working

Female and male architects discussing the scale model of a house

Female and male architects sitting at the table and holding tablet

Female and male architects discussing the scale model of a house

Gosh, i can't believe he did it

Creating new architecture with the colleague

From all the heroes i'm the best one

Architecture masterpieces get created this way

Architects sitting at the tablet and holding tablet

Architects discussing work stuff

Chatting about work with coworker

All that's left is to turn this idea into reality

Female and male architects discussing the scale model of a house

Architects sitting at the tablet and holding tablet

Architecture masterpieces get created this way

Focused on improving project's details

Architects sitting at the tablet and holding tablet

Can't wait for the results of this partnership

Architects holding tablet