Male doctor making a stop gesture

Male doctor touching his coat's pocket

Male doctor making a stop gesture

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Smiling male doctor holding a thermometer

Smiling male doctor holding a thermometer

Male doctor using a stethoscope

Male doctor holding a thermometer

Male doctor using his stethoscope

Male doctor making a stop gesture

Male doctor showing stop hand

Disapproving male doctor shaking his finger

Disapproving male doctor shaking his finger

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Male doctor using a stethoscope

Male doctor using his stethoscope

Disapproving male doctor shaking his finger

Disapproving male doctor shaking his finger

Male doctor holding a stethoscope

Front view of a male doctor with a stethoscope

Male doctor using his stethoscope

Male doctor using a stethoscope

Side view of a male doctor showing stop hand

Male doctor using a stethoscope

Male doctor making a stop gesture

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Side view of a male doctor showing stop sign

Male doctor holding a thermometer

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Male doctor using a stethoscope

Smiling male doctor holding a stethoscope

Side view of a male doctor using a stethoscope

Male doctor holding a thermometer

Male doctor using a stethoscope

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Male doctor using a stethoscope

Male doctor preparing a syringe

Male doctor touching his coat's pocket

Front view of a male doctor with a stethoscope

Male doctor holding a stethoscope

Disapproving male doctor shaking his finger

Male doctor making a stop gesture

Smiling male doctor holding a stethoscope

Side view of a male doctor using a stethoscope

Male doctor making a stop gesture

Male doctor making a stop gesture

Male doctor yawning

Male doctor putting his stethoscope away

Male doctor using a stethoscope

Side view of a male doctor using a stethoscope

Male doctor holding a stethoscope

Side view of a male doctor using a stethoscope

Male doctor putting his stethoscope into pocket

Male doctor holding a stethoscope

Male doctor pulling his stethoscope out