Giving a thought to this training

Found my perfect sports hobby

Two young women standing outside and one of them holding ice skates

Funny female friends are about to iceskate in mountains

Giving a thought to this training

Found my perfect sports hobby

Skating on the very start of this is really hard

Taking it easy and moving to the great goal

Rollerblades are kind pf transportation option too

Dealing with uncertainty on standing on these

Taking it easy and keeping on skating

Looks like it's gonna be great walk on rollerblades

Looks like it's gonna be great walk on rollerblades

Just wait for it, learning to stand on these takes a while

'cause what's the friend for if not to help with the rollerblades

Young woman goes ice skating

Standing confidently on these takes a while

Very unsure to stand on rollerblades for the first time

Making first steps is always hard

Young man in casual clothes standing

Rollerblades skating is just so much fun

Young woman balancing on rollerblades

Having the most wonderful friends' time

Young man in casual clothes standing

It's easier when there's a friend to lean on

Just wait for it, learning to stand on these takes a while

'cause what's the friend for if not to help with the rollerblades

Come on, come along with us!

First comes just simple standing on these

First steps are always hard to make, you know

Young man in casual clothes standing

First comes just simple standing on these

Dealing with uncertainty on standing on these

Taking it easy and keeping on skating

Teenager kid girl standing on roller skates and waving with a hand

Young man in casual clothes standing

Young man in casual clothes standing

Man in casual clothes posing

Young man in casual clothes standing

Running shoes over pink background

So, who's ready for a walk on rollerblades?

A front shot of a pair of white and beige sneakers

Young man in casual clothes standing

Young man in casual clothes jumping

Young man in casual clothes standing

Young man in casual clothes standing

A skateboarding teenager

Young man in casual clothes standing

You either have both of your knees or enjoy sneezing while skateboarding, i guess

Two women standing next to each other holding skatesAI

Balancing this way isn't bad at all

Young woman helping teen girl to stand on rollerblades

Besides cappuccino you're my favorite

Young man in casual clothes falling

Young man in casual clothes standing

Close-up of a soccer player's legs

Folks who's ready to face me in rollerblades challenge?

Young man in casual clothes standing

Schoolgirl sneaking around, looking scary

Side view of a schoolgirl laughing and holding her stomach