All set and ready for some gardening

Handsome happy man

Handsome happy man

All set and ready for some gardening

He's got green fingers

Allen wrenches

Allen wrenches

Carpentry tools

Allen wrenches

I hope that's enough to fix a leaking pipe

Allen wrenches

Allen wrenches

Carpentry tools

Arranging tools is the most important part of the job, if you spend less than an hour on it you are doing it wrong

They said i'd need those for my house makeover but honestly i only know how to use like two of them

Allen wrenches

I'm sorry, no working today, look at this arrangement, i can't ruin this perfection

Bouquet of dried flowers

Allen wrenches

Human hands in gloves putting a plant into soil

I like to carry my hacksaw with me all the time to show people i'm a big carpentry enthusiast, but for some reason they draw some weird conclusions out of it

Allen wrenches

Allen wrenches

Yellow and orange rake on white background

Human hands in gloves putting a plant into soil

Bouquet of dried flowers

Yellow and orange rake on white background

Creative gift wrapping ideas

Colorful leaf broom on a white background

Bath accessories on grey backgroung

A set of painting tools arranged neatly on the white background

Colourful leaf broom on white background


The brighter your working tools look the happier you feel at your workplace, i'm not making the rules

Getting all set and ready for cooking

Ceramic bottles

Botanical research

Be kind to pot plants

*in child's voice* look at all those instruments!!

A set of working tools arranged neatly on the white background

Now when i can pound nails into things and then pull them out to pound them back again, i'm never bored

Bouquet of dried flowers

Botanical research



Botanical research

Good looking young muscular man feeling pain

Got all the essentials ready for cooking

Beauty diet

Flower arrangement we're gonna do here

A few seconds before the giant mess i created trying to hang a picture on the wall

Colourful shovel on white background

Beauty diet

Dried flowers arrangement

Holding jar with shaving cream foam

'cause cleaning time means rocking it really cool