He's used to operating power tools

He's used to operating power tools

He's used to operating power tools

He's used to operating power tools

He's used to operating power tools

His work can be noisy and physically demanding

He's used to operating power tools

He's used to operating power tools

He's used to operating power tools

He's used to operating power tools

His work can be noisy and physically demanding

Focused on wall drilling

Please, choose another way, repair work ahead

Crushing the wall to get the best possible result

He's used to operating power tools

Please, choose another way, repair work ahead

Please, choose another way, repair work ahead

Breaking the surface isn't easy work to do

Please, choose another way, repair work ahead

Do stop, please! stay away from the danger area

Boss, some guys are requesting entering the danger zone

Focused on wall drilling

Please, choose another way, repair work ahead

Tired young woman standing on stepladder with a drill and holding her had

Woman in headphones standing next to worker with demolition hammer

Please, choose another way, repair work ahead

Young woman woodworking

Young woman standing on stepladder with a drill

Woman standing half-way round on stepladder with a drill

Young woman with a drill leaning on stepladder

Young woman looking surprisingly sideways and holding a drill

Young woman getting ready to drill

Road worker daily routine

Young woman sitting on stepladder with a screw driver

Woman standing on stepladder with a drill

He's used to operating power tools

Woman standing backwards on stepladder and drilling a wall

Concentrated woman aiming with a drill

Young woman preparing to screw drive

Young woman drilling a wall

Young woman trying on safety helmet

Young woman double checking her screw driver

Young woman looking attentively at screw driver

Young woman looking attentively at screw driver

Woman closing her face with safety helmet

Good morning, sir