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High-res depression pictures and stock images

Discover our collection of high-quality depression photos available for free. You can easily download these images in various formats including JPG, PNG, and PSD. Each photo is carefully curated to capture the complex emotions associated with depression. Whether you are creating content for articles, social media, or therapeutic resources, our photos provide the visuals you need to resonate with your audience.
Upset young woman facing the camera
Upset young woman facing the cameraAI
A friend in need is a friend indeed
A friend in need is a friend indeedAI
The healing power of nature
The healing power of natureAI
He prefers someone else
He prefers someone elseAI
Young family couple experiencing crisis
Young family couple experiencing crisisAI
Depressed couple after the fight
Depressed couple after the fightAI
Depression is not a choice
Depression is not a choiceAI
Exhausted office worker sleeping at his desk
Exhausted office worker sleeping at his deskAI
Teenage caucasian girl covering face with both palms
Teenage caucasian girl covering face with both palmsAI
Depressed woman leaning on her hand
Depressed woman leaning on her handAI
Handsome young man covering his face
Handsome young man covering his faceAI
Embrace your sadness
Embrace your sadnessAI
Everyone has a friend who comes up with silly dumb jokes
Everyone has a friend who comes up with silly dumb jokesAI
Feeling  hopeless but still want to help our friend
Feeling hopeless but still want to help our friendAI
Emotional young man is about to cry
Emotional young man is about to cryAI
White collar worker experiencing a burnout
White collar worker experiencing a burnoutAI
Young man suffering from headache while holding his head with both hands
Young man suffering from headache while holding his head with both handsAI
African girl standing back to camera and touching her neck
African girl standing back to camera and touching her neckAI
Depression is not a choice
Depression is not a choiceAI
Frustrated asian man holding his neck with both hands
Frustrated asian man holding his neck with both handsAI
Hiding his face in his hands
Hiding his face in his handsAI
Young man hanging in the air
Young man hanging in the airAI
Depressed woman sitting on bar stool
Depressed woman sitting on bar stoolAI
Hiding his face in his hands
Hiding his face in his handsAI
Embrace your sadness
Embrace your sadnessAI
Man hanging in the air
Man hanging in the airAI
Melancholic mood
Melancholic moodAI
Expressive young man making faces
Expressive young man making facesAI
Black and white portrait of a cheerless vintage style female
Black and white portrait of a cheerless vintage style femaleAI
Embrace your sadness
Embrace your sadnessAI
Feeling of despair
Feeling of despairAI
Sleepy young woman touching her eyes
Sleepy young woman touching her eyesAI
Thoughtful asian man standing in profile with hands in pockets
Thoughtful asian man standing in profile with hands in pocketsAI
Hiding his face in his hands
Hiding his face in his handsAI
Sad man standing
Sad man standingAI
I don't feel good
I don't feel goodAI
Young girl touching head back to camera
Young girl touching head back to cameraAI
Full length portrait of an unrecognizable woman holding her head
Full length portrait of an unrecognizable woman holding her headAI
Thoughtful asian man standing in profile with hands in pockets
Thoughtful asian man standing in profile with hands in pocketsAI
Depression is not a choice
Depression is not a choiceAI
Depressed woman sitting on bar stool
Depressed woman sitting on bar stoolAI
Woman experiencing emotional stress
Woman experiencing emotional stressAI
I don't feel good
I don't feel goodAI
It's not the best day of my life
It's not the best day of my lifeAI
Teenager with long curly hair looking aside
Teenager with long curly hair looking asideAI
I shouldn't have asked him about his ex
I shouldn't have asked him about his exAI
Frustrated office worker is about to cry
Frustrated office worker is about to cryAI
Hiding his face behind his arm
Hiding his face behind his armAI
Give yourself a break
Give yourself a breakAI
Teenage girl crying over white background
Teenage girl crying over white backgroundAI
Frustrated asian man holding his neck with both hands
Frustrated asian man holding his neck with both handsAI
Feeling lonely
Feeling lonelyAI
Young man looking with hatred in his eyes
Young man looking with hatred in his eyesAI
Portrait of an exhausted young woman
Portrait of an exhausted young womanAI
Tired man standing
Tired man standingAI
Frustrated dark skinned female crying out loud
Frustrated dark skinned female crying out loudAI