Telling jokes is really my biggest passion, you know

Doesn't anyone get my jokes here?

And how this could've happened to me, you know?

Young stand-up comic looking carefully at banknotes he's holding

Well, didn't anyone really get this joke?

Laughing young stand-up presenter showing thumb up

And how this could've happened to me, you know?

Getting audience involved into the show is really my thing

Young stand-up comic holding microphone and counting money

Get prepared to the greatest joke of your lives

How there could be no reaction at all?

Folks, could you just sit over there, the genius talking

Right thing after receiving the payment

Young guy sitting on the table in profile and playing on guitar

Wait-wait folks, i haven't said my best joke

Folks, do you even get this joke, huh?

Creating a new joke isn't easy at all, you know

How there could be no reaction at all?

Kiddos don't you even get this joke?

Folks, do you even get this joke, huh?

Young stand-up comic looking carefully at banknotes he's holding

Laughing young stand-up presenter showing thumb up

Getting audience involved into the show is really my thing

Young stand-up comic looking carefully at banknotes he's holding

You know what, this apple tastes just amazing!

Understanding where this joke is going?

Got here a little bit of math to deal with

Performing for an audience is really my thing, you know

Wait-wait folks, i haven't said my best joke

You know what, i really have great taste in music

Laughing young stand-up presenter showing thumb up

Understanding where this joke is going?

Young guy sitting on the table in profile and playing on guitar

This text goes along with music really well

Trying off these skills with an apple scene

This news song is going to sound just great

Hoping the audience would really get me

Laughing young guy singing and playing on a guitar

Playing a scene and trying my best acting skills

Young stand-up comic playing on guitar and singing in microphone