The charm of a good cigar's aroma
Cigar smoking is about the pursuit of pleasure, taste and aroma
Cigar break
A good cigar is a great comfort to a man
We gather here for conversation and a good smoke
But there's an interesting twist to this story...
Cigar break
In the midst of an interesting conversation
Enjoying a fine cigar over a good conversation
Sharing cigars is part-and-parcel of cigar smoking culture
A good cigar is a great comfort to a man
Cigar break
Handsome middle aged man with a cigar
I've noticed that cigar aroma brings back memories
Sharing cigars is part-and-parcel of cigar smoking culture
It takes time to find your perfect cigar brand
I see i failed to convince you...
A good cigar helps me think
He's a real gentleman in every way
A good cigar is a great comfort to a man
Cigar break
This smoothing cigar helps me think
I'll destroy you like i do to this cigar
He's smart and interesting to talk to
Handsome middle aged man with a cigar
Handsome middle aged man with a cigar
Cigar break
Cigar break
A good cigar helps me think
Don't smoke? but here's a cigar lounge
In the midst of a good conversation
Happiness? good whiskey, a good cigar and a great conversation
In the midst of a good conversation
Are you sure you're in the right place?
Sharing cigars is part-and-parcel of cigar smoking culture
Don't smoke? but here's a cigar lounge
Handsome middle aged man with a cigar having a conversation
He's a real gentleman in every way
Life is like the flavour of a real cigar, if you know how to enjoy it
This smoothing cigar helps me think
In the midst of an interesting conversation
Happiness? good whiskey, a good cigar and a great conversation
Just keep calm and smoke a cigar
Come on, you can tell me everything you want
Handsome middle aged man with a cigar having a conversation
Cigarettes are for addiction, cigars are for pleasure
Handsome middle aged man with a cigar
Cigar break
Handsome middle aged man with a cigar
Handsome middle aged man with a cigar having a conversation
A good cigar is a great comfort to a man
I don't know which one to choose
Front view of a young afro man eating a burger
Man smelling banknotes
Okay, sir. im ready.
A bald man with a cigar in his mouth
A man standing on a balcony and yawning
A man with a beard is smoking a cigarAI