Sometimes you want to touch, sometimes you want to be touched, and sometimes you want both at the same time

Oh my my my

Showered in compliments

Let's forget about everything and dance for a bit

It's so hard not to give in

Mood for today: being disarmingly cute

Took off my pink glasses but keep seeing the world as a pretty nice place

Looking at my crush when they don't see me

Feeling cute and flirty

When i say that ice cream makes me smile everyone says 'aww', but i mean it for real, it makes me, please send help

Checkered top, checkered skirt, checking you out, trying to flirt

Slow dancing with myself 'cause i deserve it

Come on, let's dance together

Young black short-haired woman in a checkered top and a skirt, posing with an ice cream cone

Concerned with camera settings

I sent you my kiss, answer me

Ready for photoshoot

I'm listening carefully, keep going~

When you hear the first sound of your favourite song and immediately start smiling unconsciously

I am super cute and i know it

I can hear her smile while singing and it makes me smile, too

Adore my work

Are we human or are we dancer

Mixed feelings, ambiguous desires

Heey mind if we have some fun together?

Young black short-haired woman in a checkered top and a skirt, posing against a plain peachy background

Tender touches and soft feelings

There is no music in my earphones, they are just the illusion of normality, i'm dancing to my own tune you are not allowed to hear

Why do you all think that the same-sounding words 'ice cream' and 'i scream' is just a coincidence? wait, i'm gonna prove you wrong

Here, take an ice cream. did i ask you whether you want it? right. now take it

And suddenly every word they sing is about you

You are doing well sweetie, keep going

I give you my heart(s)

Happy tunes for happy mood

Young black short-haired woman in a checkered top and a skirt, posing against a plain peachy background

Um excuse me what's that

Seems like i have enough money for living if i die tomorrow

Adjusting camera lens

It's not easy to find 'me' in 'money' unless you try really hard or unless you change the order of things and these are the words i live by

A good rhythm will never leave you indifferent

Figuring out this camera settings

Young black short-haired woman in a checkered top and a skirt, posing against a plain peachy background

Oh no, my hand slipped

The taste of summer and carelessness

Hey, anyone wants some ice cream?

Concerned with camera settings

You say money can't buy you happiness, i say give them to me and i'll prove you wrong in a day!

Unlike the others, ice cream never fails to make me happy

Turn the music on, let's have some fun!

/blows a kiss with all her strength so you would feel the amount of my love to you/

A few smiles a day keep the doctors away

Black and white portrait of a handsome gentleman in hat

Two things i can count on in this world: myself and my money bills

The sky looks especially nice today

Grey wall background

When your favourite song comes on shuffle

Here, have a bit of my love

Young black short-haired woman in a checkered top and a skirt with a love letter in her hand

Gentleman taking off his hat

Me, appearing at the friend's house when they least expect it