Even if time passes, we're still children

Checking out what's today on tv

Check it out, it's just hilarious

Always protecting each other' s back

Checking what's there on tv

Arguing about new technology

Maybe, we better switch it off

How could you do this, huh?

It's good that me and my brother have sense of humour

Always protecting each other' s back

Age means nothing when it comes to brother jokes

Brothers rarely get a chance to meet

A quick selfie together with my bro

Arguing about new technology

I'm not putting anything on my face, c'mon

It's hard to always be in good relations with your brother

Check it out, it's just hilarious

Even if we're grown ups, we still like playing rock, paper, scissors

Look, this thing looks just amazing

'cause money looks good on me

Discussing new device with brother

Excited man and his disappointed younger brother playing video games

It's good that me and my brother have sense of humour

But this new device is just great

Looking for something interesting on the tv

Brothers predenting to be kicking each other

Looking for interesting tv show can be exhausting

Age means nothing when it comes to brother jokes

Can we finally watch something normal?

Can we finally watch something normal?

Acting like real heroes with my bro

And why only you're feeling so intense?

I kinda didn't know my brother was into make-up

But this new device is just great

Looking for something interesting on the tv

Brothers talking and pointing on the tablet

Bro is super nervous when he talks about work

'cause money looks good on me

And why only you're feeling so intense?

Brothers rarely get a chance to meet

Age means nothing when it comes to brother jokes

Brothers looking at tablet and discussing it

And how he could win every time?

Brother became stronger than i've imagined

Checking out some strange thing

But i didn't ask for any massage

Good looking father with his happy children

Brothers gossipers be like this

Brothers looking at tablet and discussing it

Consider me as a grinch character

Bro is super nervous when he talks about work

And how does he beat me every time?

It's hard to always be in good relations with your brother

Having such a fun time with my bro

Little girl making faces and a school boy laughing at her

Babies twins lying on the back next to each other

Appreciating this new technology

Elder brother has sense of the game

Babies twins lying on the back next to each other

Good looking father with his happy children