Mature man about to cry


Human being can feel both powerful and miserable at the same time

Mature man about to cry

It's absolutely normal to feel bad

Positive mature man with wide smile

Adoring myself in the mirror



Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

Thrilled mature man holding his fingers crossed

Being emotional is a normal human being reaction, no need to hide it

All i wanna now is a hug

Figuring out some physical things

Peach the cat

Curious mature man in leather jacket

Mature man standing in 'like a boss' position

Adoring myself in the mirror

Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

Hello and welcome to my ted talk

Curious mature man in leather jacket

Adoring myself in the mirror

Sad to be the only one who cares about the etiquette

Male clown holding a white cake

What are you doing here, my audiences start in an hour

Guess, i've put some weight lately

Sad but snazzy

Male clown holding a white cake

Hmm, it seems alright to you?

Handsome mature man standing in profile

Male clown holding a white cake

Figuring out some physical things

Guess, i've put some weight lately

Getting to know in details some boring stuff

Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

Handsome man laughing hard

Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

Handsome man offended a little and guessing touching his chin

Hmm, it seems alright to you?

Day just started and i'm already sick of it

Contented mature man wearing leathe jacket and holding his one hand up

Hate these tight collars

Mature man looking sad and wiping his tears

Handsome mature man side posing and looking somewhere

Mature man standing in profie with his eyes closed

Handsome cunning man turning from back

Man in black suit posing

Before making a decision you have to think a lot of things

Man in black suit posing

Male clown looking down and touching his forehead


Man in black suit standing

Man in black suit standing

Young man on a chair adjusting his shoes


Young man wipes away tears

A man in a white shirt and red bow tie sitting on a chairAI