Few more seconds and i die like this and they'll have to discover my body clutching two blue dumbbells, with abba blasting in my earpods

If there was a world record for the lack of enthusiasm i'd not even take the first place, i'd be in jury

Figuring out how to use this wright

Checking what's there out in the world

Young woman aiming with a screw driver

Having this the most exciting time with frisbee game

They have no idea yet that i went with full on drag make up on their face..someone's in for quite a surprise

Alcohol leads to violence

Female hand holding old pistol

Young caucasian guy playing a videogame

A fat sportsman with bottle of juice pointing index finger in the air

Having this the most exciting time with frisbee game

Young man holding weighted vest

Confident woman in hat aiming the gun with one hand

Young woman holding camera and posing for a photo

Smiling young woman with suitcase and umbrella looking at the sky and covering her face

Put a lot of efforts into making this figure

Optimistic teenage girl holding tennis racket

Teenage girl holding tennis racket and standing back to camera

Male clown standing in profile and blowing a balloon

Young woman drilling a wall

Young woman holding a camera while posing for a photo

Practicing this frisbee game on summer time

Front view of a tourist with a backpack examining notepad through magnifying glass

Woman blowing on the handgun

Danger of dehydration

Young woman turning around while squatting on haunches

Woman aiming a handgun

Front view of muscular man holding weighted vest

Male clown blowing blue balloon

Practicing this frisbee game on summer time

Thinking over how i can affect the situation

Young blond-haired person in a pastel violet shirt, doing their makeup

Long waiting for this perfect shot to be done

Young woman is about to be shot down

Woman holding a gun with both hands

Young man in orange sweatshirt standing

Beautiful young girl taking photo shots

I truly love my job and my clients

Gangster pointing a gun sideways

Woman holding a paint roller

Front view of young man holding a knife and showing fist

Anticipation of perfect shot angle is just precious

Good looking young man drinking from the flask

Attractive young woman gently stroking a mop pad

Teenage girl handling tennis racket she's holding

This doesn't look like water

Getting closer to capture what's really happening

A man with a long white beard holding a roll of paperAI

Checking out what's today on tv

Gangster pointing a gun sideways