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iOS Filled
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iOS Glyph
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Material Filled
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Material Outlined
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Material Rounded
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Material Sharp
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Material Two Tone
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1,567 icons
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Windows 11 Color
7,677 icons
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SF Ultralight Filled
2,183 icons
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SF Ultralight
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SF Regular Filled
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SF Regular
2,278 icons
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skirt icon
SF Black Filled
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SF Black
2,280 icons
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Windows 11 Outline
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Windows 11 Filled
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scarf icon
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3D Fluency
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Simple Small
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bag-front-view icon
diamond-ring icon
skirt icon
Glyph Neue
4,024 icons
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machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
watches-front-view icon
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skirt icon
6,389 icons
jumper icon
baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
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Color Glass
5,725 icons
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Office XS
4,691 icons
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Office S
4,702 icons
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watches-front-view icon
bag-front-view icon
diamond-ring icon
skirt icon
4,793 icons
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baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
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Office L
4,872 icons
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Cute Outline
3,902 icons
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fireman-boots icon
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skirt icon
Cute Color
4,101 icons
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machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
watches-front-view icon
bag-front-view icon
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Cute Clipart
2,252 icons
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baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
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skirt icon
Blue UI
4,510 icons
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skirt icon
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romper icon
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Pastel Glyph
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Ice Cream
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skirt icon
7,542 icons
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2,187 icons
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441 icons
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Windows 10
9,191 icons
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2,829 icons
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2,761 icons
jumper icon
baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
watches-front-view icon
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Hand Drawn
3,761 icons
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Color Hand Drawn
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99 icons
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Tiny Color
2,154 icons
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782 icons
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1,960 icons
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4,573 icons
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fireman-boots icon
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Tiny Glyph
2,139 icons
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Color Pixels
1,592 icons
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1,220 icons
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110 icons
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Pulsar Line
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5,095 icons
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baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
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skirt icon
Pulsar Color Icons
6,937 icons
jumper icon
baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
watches-front-view icon
bag-front-view icon
diamond-ring icon
skirt icon
2,190 icons
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bag-front-view icon
baseball-cap icon
fireman-boots icon
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machine-wash-warm icon
skirt icon
diamond-ring icon
4,744 icons
shoes icon
denim-shorts icon
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dirty-clothes icon
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kimono icon
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1,437 icons
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baseball-cap icon
diamond-ring icon
fireman-boots icon
flip-flops icon
jumper icon
machine-wash-warm icon
romper icon
2,534 icons
jumper icon
baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
watches-front-view icon
bag-front-view icon
diamond-ring icon
skirt icon
2,605 icons
diamond icon
fireman-boots icon
motorbike-helmet icon
t-shirt icon
umbrella icon
100 icons
bag-front-view icon
baseball-cap icon
diamond-ring icon
fireman-boots icon
flip-flops icon
glasses icon
jumper icon
machine-wash-warm icon
Water Color
1,866 icons
bag-front-view icon
baseball-cap icon
diamond-ring icon
fireman-boots icon
flip-flops icon
glasses icon
jumper icon
machine-wash-warm icon
1,246 icons
baseball-cap icon
bag-front-view icon
fireman-boots icon
flip-flops icon
diamond-ring icon
glasses icon
jumper icon
machine-wash-warm icon
Isometric Line
1,221 icons
bag-front-view icon
baseball-cap icon
diamond-ring icon
fireman-boots icon
jumper icon
machine-wash-warm icon
skirt icon
watches-front-view icon
1,944 icons
apple-watch icon
apple-watch-apps icon
romper icon
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wedding-dress icon
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ushanka icon
2,222 icons
t-shirt icon
flip-flops icon
watches-front-view icon
bag-front-view icon
diamond-ring icon
fireman-boots icon
machine-wash-warm icon
skirt icon
Puffy Filled
751 icons
christmas-mitten icon
santas-hat icon
400 icons
jumper icon
baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
watches-front-view icon
bag-front-view icon
diamond-ring icon
skirt icon
Parakeet Line
2,177 icons
pair-of-socks icon
umbrella icon
watches-front-view icon
glasses icon
sun-glasses icon
beanie icon
bulletproof-vest icon
christmas-mitten icon
459 icons
bag-front-view icon
diamond icon
t-shirt icon
sneakers icon
hanger icon
backpack icon
trousers icon
leather icon
Forma Thin
1,530 icons
bag-front-view icon
diamond icon
t-shirt icon
sneakers icon
hanger icon
backpack icon
trousers icon
leather icon
Forma Light
1,504 icons
bag-front-view icon
diamond icon
t-shirt icon
sneakers icon
hanger icon
backpack icon
trousers icon
leather icon
Forma Regular
1,527 icons
bag-front-view icon
diamond icon
t-shirt icon
sneakers icon
hanger icon
backpack icon
trousers icon
leather icon
Forma Bold
1,536 icons
bag-front-view icon
diamond icon
t-shirt icon
sneakers icon
hanger icon
backpack icon
trousers icon
leather icon
Forma Thin Filled
1,515 icons
bag-front-view icon
diamond icon
t-shirt icon
sneakers icon
hanger icon
backpack icon
trousers icon
leather icon
Forma Light Filled
1,543 icons
bag-front-view icon
diamond icon
t-shirt icon
sneakers icon
hanger icon
backpack icon
trousers icon
leather icon
Forma Regular Filled
1,528 icons
bag-front-view icon
diamond icon
t-shirt icon
sneakers icon
hanger icon
backpack icon
trousers icon
leather icon
Forma Bold Filled
1,509 icons
jumper icon
baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
watches-front-view icon
bag-front-view icon
diamond-ring icon
skirt icon
Pulsar Gradient Icons
6,896 icons
bag-front-view icon
baseball-cap icon
diamond-ring icon
fireman-boots icon
flip-flops icon
jumper icon
machine-wash-warm icon
skirt icon
Deco Color
1,596 icons
bag-front-view icon
baseball-cap icon
diamond-ring icon
fireman-boots icon
flip-flops icon
jumper icon
machine-wash-warm icon
watches-front-view icon
1,367 icons
t-shirt icon
diamond icon
glasses icon
wedding-dress icon
sneakers icon
bag-front-view icon
backpack icon
womens-bow icon
600 icons
jumper icon
baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
bag-front-view icon
diamond-ring icon
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skirt icon
1,714 icons
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kimono icon
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flip-flops icon
548 icons
jumper icon
baseball-cap icon
machine-wash-warm icon
fireman-boots icon
watches-front-view icon
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skirt icon
Stickers Duotone
652 icons

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