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Loading animation search examples

Cryptocurrency Money & Finance Animated text (custom) 3 dimensional (3D) Astronomy / Planets Circular (Spinners) Flags animated Fruits & vegetables Horizontal (Bars) People and animals Rectangular Religion signs Science Smileys Social bookmarks Weather conditions Zodiac signs Miscellaneous
Setting up loading animations
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  1. How to use web-application?
  2. How to embed AJAX loader in your application? (sample scripts)
  3. How to perform search?
The loading animations (GIF, SVG and APNG) search is generally created to help visitors find their animations faster. The search engine is not 100% perfect, so the results may not always be full (for instance, when looking for a preloader for a cafe you might need to be more specific and search not for "cafe", but for "coffee" or "spoons"). In case you did not find an animation you need, you can still browse through all animation templates following the menu on the left. Below you can see the list of most popular search examples that you might find useful
globe spinner rotating globe fading line floating bars smiley bars spinners jupiter capricorn scanning spinning globe wheel pacman judge euro dollar circle star 3d 3 dimensional gears license drink pac man loader searching search halloween clock timer shop fading law play love eating pumpkin rss radioactive rotating floating spinning ball pac spinning ball music heart book books facebook look google chrome google christmas new year shopping cart car hearts error computer user ajax money cash hourglass photo @ contact sending phone loading inspect engineering arrow ziki twitter odnoklassniki vkontakte stumbleupon yahoo linkedin technorati slashdot delicious preloader recycle tree male female medical face email glass human diamond ajax loader crown football soccer coffee dog download happy pac-man house tool hammer building construction key snow pizza arrows wave dance man nuclear up apple youtube text radar ship plane airplane snake camera biology paddles animated flower game stars eu line sharp edges trunk train video fading balls people tumblr girl cross atom access denied sand clock copy gear flight mail sms poker zoom map cat mac fish save earth cube countdown message home android mobile vehicle sphere animal snowman air movie scan need for speed iphone ring audio food skull windows water sound sun woman lock security sand spider web internet candle sports skype upload dna custom stumbleupon new logo tire egg travel bike windows 8 cloud custom words numbers pyramid fan windows8 headphones instagram pulse weather olympic rings windows8 loader furniture coin bitcoin

Note: All your search keywords are recorded in our database and we look through them daily. If we see a search keyword that does not return any results, we may update the animation templates tags and, maybe, create new ones in regards to your search. Therefore, if you look for a preloader that does not exist, there is a great chance that it will appear very soon. Also, you can order a new preloader template by clicking the "Request preloader" link in the top menu.