An asian teacher in a checkered suit, a tie and a book in his hand, working with the class

An asian geek guy in a checkered shirt

Young asian man speaking into a microphone

Young man in orange sweatshirt standing

Young asian man trying to do karate

Light melancholy

Young asian man screaming in excitement

Man in casual clothes standing

An asian teacher in a checkered suit, a tie and a book in his hand, working with the class

Young asian man speaking into a microphone

Man in casual clothes standing

Man in casual clothes standing

Young asian man speaking into a microphone

This music really gets me, you know

Young asian man speaking into a microphone

It gives me tips on how to take care of it.. bad tips, i must say

Man in casual clothes posing

Young asian man speaking into a microphone

Man in casual clothes standing

Young asian man holding a clipboard

An asian teacher in a checkered suit, a tie and a book in his hand, working with the class

Man in casual clothes posing
