Dealing with this pile of clothes could really take a while

Woman mad about staying home alone

Always indecisive about choosing correct product

Young asian woman with hair wrapped in towel doing face massage

What? i'm creating beauty and mood from the very morning

Figuring out is this toothpaste good enough

Smiling young asian woman with hair wrapped in towel brushing teeth

A woman in a bathroom holding a pink towelAI

A woman with a towel on her head using a face massagerAI

Catching a moment and enjoying some warm tea

Catching a moment and enjoying some warm tea

Shot of female legs on pink towel with manicure tools on it

Light colours and simplicity of shapes are just needed

Massage session

Young woman taking off her t-shirt

Bottle lying sideways spilling out nail varnish

Enjoying some reading

Two women sitting at a table with cups and saucersAI

Young asian woman looking closely at facial mask she's holding with both hands

Shot of female legs and woman applying cream

Catching a moment and enjoying some warm tea

A woman holding a cell phoneAI

Creating a wonderful hairstyle for my friend

Beauty routine starts with getting hair in order

Just some time in the morning and my skin is glowing after

Woman with white mask on sending air kisses

Well, let's see how this gonna affect my skin

A woman standing behind a wooden box with succulents in itAI

Brushing teeth is need to be first thing in the morning

Smiling young asian woman holding applying cosmetic product on face skin

Putting on gloves and let's get this place back to clean

Getting nails perfectly done and in order

Massage session

Massage session